Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 26 80.7

line true false branch
24 1 650 if $header =~ /^"/
25 1 649 if $header =~ /^\(/
30 589 60 if (exists $self->{'args'}{'last_non_comment_type'}) { }
31 324 265 if ($self->{'args'}{'last_non_comment_type'}->is eq "assignment")
32 241 83 if ($self->{'args'}{'last_non_comment_type'}->value eq "=")
43 205 5093 if $first =~ /\s/
44 97 4996 if $first eq ";"
45 0 0 if $first eq "\"" and not $is_value and not $is_first
46 0 0 if $first eq "(" and not $is_value and not $is_first
47 236 1 if $first eq "=" and not $is_value and not $is_first
48 0 3 if $first eq "/" and not $is_value and not $is_first
49 76 221 if $first eq "." and not $is_value and not $is_first
55 5 644 if $value eq ""