Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 36 58.3

line true false branch
48 0 2 if ('HASH' eq ref $generator and $generator->{'is'}) { }
0 2 elsif ('HASH' eq ref $generator and $generator->{'assert'}) { }
1 1 elsif (not ref $generator) { }
108 2 6 if ($t->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') and $t =~ /\A(,|\=\>)\z/) { }
4 2 elsif (defined $args[-1] or not $t->isa('PPI::Token::Whitespace')) { }
116 0 2 unless defined $args[-1]
118 2 0 if ($prototype =~ /\A\((.+)\)\z/)
127 1 4 if (/\A;/)
133 0 4 if (/\A\\/)
138 0 4 if (/\A\[(.+?)\]/) { }
147 3 1 unless ($saw_semicolon)
148 0 3 unless $#args >= $i
153 0 4 if ($backslashed and $chars eq '@') { }
0 4 elsif ($backslashed and $chars eq '%') { }
0 4 elsif ($chars =~ /[\@%]/) { }
154 0 0 unless $arg =~ /\A\s*\@/
158 0 0 unless $arg =~ /\A\s*\%/
168 0 2 if ($#args >= $i and not $saw_slurpy)