Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 22 50 44.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
309 16 0 scalar keys %$method_conflicts and scalar grep({not $meta->has_method($_);} keys %$method_conflicts)

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
84 139 1295 3 $slot eq 'CODE' and $stash->{$name} eq '-1'
126 0 0 5 $cv and ref $cv eq 'CODE'
137 0 83 26 $object and &Scalar::Util::blessed($object)
149 0 0 926 $cv and ref $cv eq 'CODE'
193 0 2 1 $cv and ref $cv eq 'CODE'
206 0 0 421 $cv and ref $cv eq 'CODE'
225 0 0 3 $stash and ref $stash eq 'HASH'
274 0 0 16 $roles and ref $roles eq 'ARRAY'
0 0 16 $roles and ref $roles eq 'ARRAY' and scalar @$roles != 0
351 0 0 0 exists $slots{$name} and $slots{$name} != $slot->initializer
398 419 0 0 exists $methods{$name} and $methods{$name} != $m->body
415 419 0 0 exists $required{$name} and not exists $conflicts{$name}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
84 3 1434 0 $slot eq 'CODE' and $stash->{$name} eq '-1' or ref $stash->{$name} ne 'GLOB'
149 926 0 0 $cv and ref $cv eq 'CODE' or CAN_COERCE_TO_CODE_REF($cv)
193 1 2 0 $cv and ref $cv eq 'CODE' or CAN_COERCE_TO_CODE_REF($cv)
206 421 0 0 $cv and ref $cv eq 'CODE' or CAN_COERCE_TO_CODE_REF($cv)