Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 80 46.2

line true false branch
52 0 6 if ($$self{'lock_num'})
62 0 845 unless grep(($func eq $_), ('FETCH', 'STORE', 'EXISTS', 'DELETE'))
66 200 645 if (defined $key and $$self{'md5_keys'})
72 845 0 defined $key ? :
73 0 0 if ($cache and $func eq 'FETCH' || $func eq 'EXISTS')
75 0 0 if defined $rv
79 425 420 if ($func eq 'FETCH' or $func eq 'EXISTS') { }
87 415 429 if (defined $value) { }
98 0 844 if $cache
113 11 22 unless -e $file
114 0 22 if (-d $file) { }
115 0 0 unless rmdir $file
117 0 22 unless unlink $file
122 0 11 if ($$self{'lock_num'} > 1)
127 11 0 if ($$self{'lock_num'} == 0)
132 0 11 if $$self{'cache'}
142 1 11 if ($$self{'md5_keys'})
151 11 520 unless defined $key
164 0 531 if ($$self{'md5_keys'})
174 0 200 if (ref $key) { }
183 0 0 if $MLDBM::Sync::CACHE_ERR
185 0 0 if ($size =~ /^(\d+)(M|K)$/) { }
187 0 0 if ($type eq 'M') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'K') { }
195 0 0 unless $size =~ /^\d+$/
198 0 0 if ($$self{'cache'})
223 1 0 if (defined $setting) { }
237 471 402 if ($$self{'lock_num'}++ == 0) { }
239 0 471 unless open $$self{'lock_fh'}, "+>$file"
240 0 0 $read_lock ? :
238 233 $read_lock ? :
0 471 unless flock $$self{'lock_fh'}, $read_lock ? $MLDBM::Sync::LOCK_SH : $MLDBM::Sync::LOCK_EX
245 1 401 if ($$self{'read_lock'} and not $read_lock)
263 471 401 if ($$self{'lock_num'} and $$self{'lock_num'}-- == 1) { }
266 0 471 unless flock $$self{'lock_fh'}, $MLDBM::Sync::LOCK_UN
267 0 471 unless close $$self{'lock_fh'}
280 3 0 unless -e $file
283 0 0 if (-d $file)
285 0 0 unless opendir DIR, $file
288 0 0 if $dir_file =~ /^\.\.?$/