Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 44 38.6

line true false branch
137 25 0 if (@_)
165 0 218 if @_ > 2
261 0 95 unless defined $str
265 25 95 defined $_->[1] ? :
270 17 103 unless defined $self->{'MWD_Map'}{$charset}
303 972 43 unless not $sub or ref $sub eq 'CODE'
450 0 0 if (defined $2) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $3 and $latin1) { }
477 0 0 if (defined $2) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $4 and $latin1) { }
517 1 1 if $charset =~ /^ISO[-_]?8859[-_](\d+)$/ and $1 eq $self->{'MWDI_Num'}
518 1 0 if $charset =~ /^ISO[-_]?8859/
519 0 0 if $charset =~ /^UTF[-_]?8$/
520 0 0 if $charset =~ /^UTF[-_]?16$/
530 0 0 if @_
540 0 0 if @_
553 0 10 unless defined $basic
556 0 10 if $self->{'MWDI_Collapse'}
587 0 0 unless defined $basic
590 0 0 if $self->{'MWDI_Collapse'}
610 84 13 if $charset eq 'raw'
612 0 97 unless ($enc)