Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 46 79 58.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
580 21 17 0 defined $filename and $filename eq ''
688 0 0 20 defined $value and $value ne ''
1137 3 0 9 $self->is_multipart and not $force
1262 0 2 25 $i++ < $nlines and $line--
1399 3 0 3 $self->is_multipart and not $params{'Attach'}
1575 6 13 0 $tag =~ /\AContent-/i and not $tag =~ /\AContent-$StandardFields\Z/io

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
568 24 14 $params{'Type'} || 'text/plain'
571 9 29 $params{'Encoding'} || ''
574 1 37 $params{'Disposition'} || 'inline'
578 14 24 $params{'Path'} || ''
780 0 3 $MIME::Entity::BOUNDARY_DELIMITER || "\n"
1133 0 12 $subtype ||= 'mixed'
1258 1 3 $nlines ||= 10
1261 4 0 int @$body || (return)
1397 0 6 $MIME::Entity::BOUNDARY_DELIMITER || "\n"
1444 3 0 $body[-1] || ''
1565 5 0 $opts->{'Nonstandard'} || 0
1566 5 0 $opts->{'Length'} || 0
1594 4 0 tmpopen() || die(q[can't open tmpfile])
1682 0 0 $self->mime_type || 'UNKNOWN'
1683 0 0 $self->effective_type || 'UNKNOWN'
1687 0 0 $path || 'NONE'
1779 7 60 $MIME::Entity::BOUNDARY_DELIMITER || "\n"
1825 7 76 $MIME::Entity::BOUNDARY_DELIMITER || "\n"
1892 71 0 $self->open('r') || die("open body: $!")
1900 64 0 $self->head->mime_encoding || 'binary'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
912 1658 220 0 $self->{'mail_inet_head'} ||= 'MIME::Head'->new
1428 3 0 0 $self->head->mime_type =~ m[text/]i or $params{'Force'}
1436 2 1 0 not defined $params{'Remove'} or $params{'Remove'} > 0
1479 2 0 1 $type eq 'text' or $type eq 'message'
1486 0 1 5 length $_ > 999 || /[\200-\377]/
1823 83 0 0 $out ||= select
1890 71 0 0 $out ||= select