Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 12 29 41.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
368 0 51 0 $self->{'MPF_MaxName'} and length $name > $self->{'MPF_MaxName'}
406 0 10 3 $last and not $self->evil_filename($last)
546 52 0 0 $recommended && $recommended =~ /(\.\w+)\Z/
681 0 0 5 defined $ex and not $self->evil_filename($ex)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
418 10 0 $self->{'MPF_TrimRoot'} || 14
419 10 0 $self->{'MPF_TrimExt'} || 3
543 51 1 $subtype ||= ''
554 0 0 $recommended_ext || $self->{'MPF_Ext'}{"$type/$subtype"} || $self->{'MPF_Ext'}{"$type/*"} || $self->{'MPF_Ext'}{'*/*'} || '.dat'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
262 0 0 74 not defined $dir or $dir eq ''
363 0 0 78 not defined $name or $name eq ''
903 0 2 0 -d $self->output_dir or mkdir $self->output_dir, 448