Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 64 74 86.4

line true false branch
31 41 52 unless defined $_[1]
39 2 50 unless $type =~ m[ ^ ($discrete) / ($composite) \s* ($params)? $ ]x
42 0 50 unless $$ct{'discrete'} and $$ct{'composite'}
48 0 172 unless my $msg = shift()
49 0 172 if $MIME::Expander::DEBUG
67 18 3 if (0 == @_ % 2) { }
73 3 18 exists $$args{'expects'} ? :
76 0 21 exists $$args{'guesser'} ? :
79 3 18 exists $$args{'depth'} ? :
87 26 101 if (@_)
89 1 25 if defined $$self{'expects'} and ref $$self{'expects'} ne 'ARRAY'
97 0 53 unless my $type = shift()
98 1 52 unless $type =~ m[^.+/.+$]
100 5 47 unless $self->expects
101 5 33 ref $_ ? :
102 9 24 if $type =~ /$regexp/
109 25 27 if (@_)
111 1 24 if defined $$self{'depth'} and $$self{'depth'} =~ /\D/
119 26 49 if (@_)
121 1 4 if defined $$self{'guesser'} and ref $$self{'guesser'} ne 'CODE' and ref $$self{'guesser'} ne 'ARRAY'
131 0 44 unless my $ref_data = shift()
137 2 42 if (ref $routine eq 'CODE') { }
142 2 40 if (ref $routine eq 'ARRAY') { }
148 43 0 unless $klass =~ /:/
151 42 1 if $type and $type ne 'application/octet-stream'
165 161 8 if (not @MIME::Expander::EnabledPlugins) { }
169 1 7 unless $enable =~ /:/
171 2 6 if ($available eq $enable)
176 6 2 unless $klass
180 21 142 if ($klass->is_acceptable($type))
190 0 38 unless my $ref_data = shift()
194 38 0 if (not $type or $type eq 'application/octet-stream')
215 4 4 ref $data eq 'SCALAR' ? :
233 23 15 if ($limit or $self->is_expected($type) or not $plugin) { }
236 23 0 if ref $callback eq 'CODE'
249 18 20 if ($bound <= $ptr)
251 2 16 if ($self->depth and $self->depth <= $level)