Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 36 63.8

line true false branch
38 1 0 if $main::Id =~ /,v *([\d.]+)/
104 0 1 if ($testfile =~ /[\r\n"\\]/) { }
0 1 elsif (not open(F, "< $testfile")) { }
120 138 765 unless (/\S/)
121 23 115 if $in_testing != 0
122 0 138 if $in_testing == 2
126 1 764 if (/^=(begin|for)\s+testing\s*$/) { }
1 763 elsif ($in_testing == 1 and /^=(?:end(?:\s+testing)?|cut)\s*$/) { }
159 604 elsif ($in_testing != 0) { }
128 0 1 if $in_testing != 0
130 1 0 $1 eq 'begin' ? :
138 0 1 unless close F
139 0 1 if 0 > index($testfile, '/')
140 0 1 if (0 == length $testcode) { }
145 0 1 if $@
148 0 1 if $@
159 1 0 if (not ref $dir and -f "$dir/$modfn")
161 1 0 if (defined $dirmodfn) { }