Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 54 42.5

line true false branch
87 0 18 if $MIDI::Track::Debug
98 3 15 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
99 0 18 if $MIDI::Track::Debug
100 0 18 if ($MIDI::Track::Debug)
101 0 0 if (%$options_r) { }
108 0 18 defined $$options_r{'type'} ? :
110 0 18 if defined $$options_r{'data'}
113 1 17 if exists $$options_r{'events_r'} and not exists $$options_r{'events'}
121 3 15 defined $$options_r{'events'} && ref $$options_r{'events'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
182 0 0 if $$new{'events'}
198 0 0 ref $_[1] eq 'HASH' ? :
223 0 9 if @_
253 0 42 if (@_)
254 0 0 unless ref $_[0]
277 2 11 if @_
293 0 0 if @_
339 0 0 ref $_[1] eq 'HASH' ? :
344 0 0 defined $$this{'data'} ? :
372 0 2 unless ref $track
373 2 0 ref $_[1] eq 'HASH' ? :
377 0 2 if (exists $$track{'data'} and defined $$track{'data'}) { }
382 2 0 if ($$track{'type'} eq 'MTrk' || length $$track{'type'} == 0 and defined $$track{'events'} and ref $$track{'events'}) { }
387 0 2 if $MIDI::Track::Debug
392 0 0 if $MIDI::Track::Debug
412 0 15 unless ref $options_r eq 'HASH'
414 0 15 unless ref $_[1] eq 'SCALAR'
418 15 0 if ($type eq 'MTrk' and not $$options_r{'no_parse'}) { }