Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 56 84 66.6

line true false branch
163 1 0 unless $self->_opus_ticks
173 69 33 if ($event->[0] eq "note")
217 33 36 if (@group == $self->ngram_size)
219 31 2 if $last
231 2 7 if $net{$channel}{$node} < $self->min_phrases
258 33 36 if (@group == $self->ngram_size)
260 31 2 if $last
273 11 9 if $net{$channel}{$node} < $self->min_phrases
300 33 36 if (@group == $self->ngram_size)
302 31 2 if $last
314 13 9 if $net{$channel}{$node} < $self->min_phrases
328 0 0 if $self->analyze and keys @{$self->analyze;} and not grep({$_ == $channel;} @{$self->analyze;})
361 0 11 unless $dura_phrase->{$b} <=> $dura_phrase->{$a}
363 2 7 if $dura_phrase->{$p} < $self->min_phrases
368 0 7 if $self->max_phrases > 0 and $j > $self->max_phrases
380 2 0 unless (@{$self->durations;})
396 0 35 unless $note_phrase->{$b} <=> $note_phrase->{$a}
398 4 23 if $note_phrase->{$p} < $self->min_phrases
403 0 23 if $self->max_phrases > 0 and $j > $self->max_phrases
419 0 44 unless $dura_note_phrase->{$b} <=> $dura_note_phrase->{$a}
421 11 24 if $dura_note_phrase->{$p} < $self->min_phrases
426 0 24 if $self->max_phrases > 0 and $j > $self->max_phrases
450 0 1 if ($self->weight) { }
454 0 0 $self->one_channel ? :
458 0 0 $self->random_patch ? :
475 0 0 @{$self->durations;} ? :
479 0 0 if $self->pause_duration
488 0 1 $self->shuffle_phrases ? :
494 0 2 $self->one_channel ? :
501 0 28 unless $notes->{$b} <=> $notes->{$a}
0 2 $self->shuffle_phrases ? :
514 0 23 if $self->pause_duration
520 0 2 $self->random_patch ? :
525 0 46 if ($note eq 'r') { }
532 0 46 @{$self->durations;} ? :
568 206 1524 if (sprintf("%.4f", $MIDI::Simple::Length{$d}) eq sprintf("%.4f", $dura))
575 206 0 $match ? :
614 119 117 if ($frag =~ /^([\w,]+)\*([\w,]+)$/)
632 1 10 unless defined $_[0] and $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/
637 4 42 unless defined $_[0] and $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/ and $_[0] > 0
642 4 31 unless ref $_[0] eq "ARRAY"
647 4 16 unless defined $_[0] and $_[0] =~ /^\d$/ and $_[0] == 1 || $_[0] == 0