Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 94 124 75.8

line true false branch
184 46 3 unless (defined $mediacfg_version)
207 1 43 unless $distrib->loadtree
208 0 43 unless $distrib->parse_mediacfg or $distrib->parse_hdlists
223 29 15 if (-d "$$distrib{'root'}/media/media_info") { }
14 1 elsif (-d "$$distrib{'root'}/Mandrake/base") { }
251 0 21 if mymediacfg_version() < $wanted_version
253 0 21 if $wanted_version < $distrib->getvalue(undef, 'mediacfg_version')
273 1 3 if (ref $spec eq 'HASH') { }
1 2 elsif ($spec and $spec =~ /mandrake/i) { }
304 0 23 unless open my $h_hdlists, '<', $hdlists
311 0 56 unless length $_
314 3 53 unless ($media{'hdlist'})
317 0 56 if ($options)
322 0 56 $options ? :
323 0 168 unless $$distrib{'cfg'}->newval($media{'path'}, $_, $media{$_})
344 0 0 unless open my $h_ver, '<', $fversion
370 0 21 unless -f $mediacfg and -r _ and $$distrib{'cfg'} = 'Config::IniFiles'->new(-'file', $mediacfg, -'default', 'media_info', -'allowcontinue', 1)
402 40 256 unless $value
404 223 33 if $self->getvalue(undef, 'mediacfg_version') < 3
407 0 33 if ++$level >= 15
410 1 2 unless $self->getvalue($media, $1)
413 0 2 unless $self->getvalue('media_info', $1, $level)
436 0 1257 unless $distrib->mediaexists($media)
440 2 1255 if /^synthesis$/
441 47 1210 if /^hdlist$/
442 4 1253 if /^pubkey$/
443 53 1204 if (/^(pubkey|hdlist|synthesis)$/)
446 61 1196 if (/^name$/)
451 0 1196 if (/^productid$/)
455 187 1009 if /^path$/
456 245 764 if /^root$/
457 533 231 if /^mediacfg_version$/
459 4 227 if (/^VERSION$/)
460 0 227 if (/^$/)
461 0 227 if (/^product$/)
463 0 227 if (/^(MD5SUM|depslist.ordered|compss|provides)$/)
464 0 227 if (/^(?:tag|branch)$/)
465 8 219 if (/^(?:media|info)dir$/)
466 19 200 if (/^os$/)
467 19 181 if (/^gnu$/)
468 19 162 if (/^vendor$/)
469 57 105 if (/^arch$/)
470 19 86 if (/^platform$/)
472 19 0 $distrib->getvalue($media, 'gnu') ? :
19 0 defined $arch ? :
480 0 86 if (/^rpmsrate$/)
481 4 82 if (/^description$/)
482 0 82 if (/^provide$/)
483 0 82 if (/^depslist.ordered$/)
498 0 513 unless $distrib->mediaexists($media)
501 257 256 if $var =~ /^(?:root|VERSION|product\.id|(?:media|info)dir)$/
502 187 69 $var eq 'path' ? :
503 135 121 if ($distrib->getvalue(undef, 'mediacfg_version') >= 2) { }
506 54 54 $var eq 'path' ? :
13 108 $val =~ m[/] ? :
529 0 177 if $var eq 'path'
544 0 22 unless my $path = $distrib->getpath(@_)
545 0 22 if ($_[1] || '') eq 'root'
558 0 10 unless my $path = $distrib->getmediapath(@_)
574 197 16 if ($var =~ /^(hdlist|synthesis|pubkey|MD5SUM)$/) { }
575 163 34 if ($$distrib{'type'} eq 'mandriva') { }
596 0 197 unless my $path = $distrib->getdpath(@_)