Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 61 162 37.6

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
812 2 4 $_pending < $_cnt and scalar @{$_Q->{'_heap'};}
847 0 0 $_pending < $_cnt and scalar @{$_Q->{'_heap'};}
880 0 0 $_pending < $_cnt and scalar @{$_Q->{'_heap'};}
987 0 90 exists $_Q->{'_datp'}{$_p} and scalar @{$_Q->{'_datp'}{$_p};}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
57 2 0 35 $INC{''} and "MCE"->wid == 0
131 0 7 16 exists $_Q->{'_init_pid'} and $_Q->{'_init_pid'} eq $_pid
269 12 38 0 $INC{''} and not defined $MCE::MCE->{'_wid'}
270 12 38 0 defined $MCE::MCE and $MCE::MCE->{'_wid'}
806 8 2 6 defined $_cnt and $_cnt ne 1
841 4 0 0 defined $_cnt and $_cnt ne 1
874 4 0 0 defined $_cnt and $_cnt ne 1
1278 226 2 6 defined $_cnt and $_cnt ne 1
1300 51 6 177 $_len > 0 and $_cnt == 1
1315 4 0 0 defined $_cnt and $_cnt ne 1
1338 4 0 0 defined $_cnt and $_cnt ne 1
1364 0 0 0 $_len > 0 and $_cnt == 1

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
163 0 45 $_def->{$_pkg}{'AWAIT'} || 0
1200 0 0 shift() || 0
1447 16 6 shift() || 0
1458 16 6 shift() || 0
1471 2 2 shift() || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
150 0 51 0 ref $_class || $_class
166 44 0 0 $_def->{$_pkg}{'PORDER'} || $HIGHEST
169 26 0 0 $_def->{$_pkg}{'TYPE'} || $FIFO
223 47 18 18 not exists $_Q->{'_datp'}{$_p} or @{$_Q->{'_datp'}{$_p};} == 0
273 0 0 45 not &looks_like_number($_p) or int $_p != $_p
777 0 0 74 not &looks_like_number($_p) or int $_p != $_p
807 0 0 6 not &looks_like_number($_cnt) or int $_cnt != $_cnt
0 0 6 not &looks_like_number($_cnt) or int $_cnt != $_cnt or $_cnt < 1
822 6 4 0 @{$_Q->{'_datq'};} || @{$_Q->{'_heap'};}
842 0 0 0 not &looks_like_number($_cnt) or int $_cnt != $_cnt
0 0 0 not &looks_like_number($_cnt) or int $_cnt != $_cnt or $_cnt < 1
875 0 0 0 not &looks_like_number($_cnt) or int $_cnt != $_cnt
0 0 0 not &looks_like_number($_cnt) or int $_cnt != $_cnt or $_cnt < 1
918 0 0 50 not &looks_like_number($_i) or int $_i != $_i
968 0 0 90 not &looks_like_number($_p) or int $_p != $_p
970 0 0 90 not &looks_like_number($_i) or int $_i != $_i
1028 0 0 40 not &looks_like_number($_i) or int $_i != $_i
1051 0 0 72 not &looks_like_number($_i) or int $_i != $_i
1056 0 0 99 not &looks_like_number($_p) or int $_p != $_p
1078 0 0 5 not &looks_like_number($_i) or int $_i != $_i
1206 0 0 0 not &looks_like_number($_t) or int $_t != $_t
1259 0 0 20 not &looks_like_number($_p) or int $_p != $_p
1279 0 0 6 not &looks_like_number($_cnt) or int $_cnt != $_cnt
0 0 6 not &looks_like_number($_cnt) or int $_cnt != $_cnt or $_cnt < 1
1316 0 0 0 not &looks_like_number($_cnt) or int $_cnt != $_cnt
0 0 0 not &looks_like_number($_cnt) or int $_cnt != $_cnt or $_cnt < 1
1339 0 0 0 not &looks_like_number($_cnt) or int $_cnt != $_cnt
0 0 0 not &looks_like_number($_cnt) or int $_cnt != $_cnt or $_cnt < 1
1345 4 0 0 not $_timeout or $_timeout < 0
1411 0 0 20 not &looks_like_number($_i) or int $_i != $_i
1429 0 0 20 not &looks_like_number($_p) or int $_p != $_p
1431 0 0 20 not &looks_like_number($_i) or int $_i != $_i
1451 0 0 22 not &looks_like_number($_i) or int $_i != $_i
1462 0 0 22 not &looks_like_number($_p) or int $_p != $_p
1464 0 0 22 not &looks_like_number($_i) or int $_i != $_i
1475 0 0 4 not &looks_like_number($_i) or int $_i != $_i