Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 36 86.1

line true false branch
35 4 23 if ($field->is_control_field) { }
70 46 8 if (ref $fdata) { }
93 0 10 unless open my $fh, '<', $filename
101 4 6 if (/^\[/) { }
2 4 elsif (/^{/) { }
103 4 0 if (/^\[\n$/)
105 2 2 if ($second_line eq "\n")
113 1 1 if ($declared_filetype and $declared_filetype eq 'ndj') { }
128 0 10 if $declared_filetype and $declared_filetype ne $filetype
131 3 7 if ($filetype =~ /^object|collection$/) { }
6 1 elsif ($filetype =~ /delimited$/) { }
1 0 elsif ($filetype eq 'ndj') { }
137 1 2 if $filetype eq 'object'
142 3 11 if $index > $#$json_items
154 4 32 unless defined $text
155 2 30 unless $text =~ /^\s*{/
171 1 5 unless defined $text
172 0 5 unless $text =~ /^\s*{/