Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 30 86.6

line true false branch
23 2 1 unless ($self->{'fields'})
32 0 2 if ($self->{'file'}) { }
47 1 0 if &reftype($record) eq 'HASH'
60 1 8 unless ($spec)
61 1 0 if (not $options{'ignore_unknown_fields'}) { }
69 6 2 if ($options{'counter'} and not $spec->{'repeatable'})
70 1 5 if ($options{'counter'}{$field->[0]}++)
82 5 2 if ($spec->{'subfields'})
89 9 1 if ($sfspec) { }
1 0 elsif (not $options{'ignore_unknown_subfields'}) { }
90 1 8 if (not $sfspec->{'repeatable'} and $sfcounter{$code}++)
112 5 2 if ($spec->{'indicator1'})
118 4 1 if (@matches > 0) { }
133 2 5 if ($spec->{'indicator2'})
139 1 1 if (@matches > 0) { }