Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 40 85.0

line true false branch
66 14 0 if ($self)
76 14 0 if (defined $header) { }
77 2 12 if ($header =~ /^LDR/) { }
102 26 221 if (not $$self{'exhaustedfh'} and length $$self{'inputbuf'} < 111999)
105 0 26 if (not defined $read) { }
12 14 elsif ($read < 1) { }
136 239 8 if ($self->_fill_buffer and length $$self{'inputbuf'} > 0)
142 14 225 if ($want_line) { }
143 14 0 if ($$self{'inputbuf'} =~ /^([^\x0d\x0a]*)([\x0d\x0a]+)/)
153 1 224 if $pos < 0
154 224 0 if (substr($$self{'inputbuf'}, $pos + 1, 1) eq "\r" or substr($$self{'inputbuf'}, $pos + 1, 1) eq "\n")
165 1 238 unless ($chunk)
192 225 8 if defined $lifrec
231 225 3 if (ref($self) =~ /^MARC::File/) { }
236 1 2 $self =~ /MARC::File/ ? :
244 0 2297 unless $line =~ s/^([0-9A-Za-z]{3})//
248 4 2293 unless $line =~ s/\^`?$//
251 228 2069 if ($tagno eq 'LDR') { }
285 1784 elsif ($tagno =~ /^\d+$/ and $tagno < 10) { }
260 2 1782 if (scalar @subfield_data_pairs < 2) { }