Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 60 78.3

line true false branch
75 1 5 unless exists $args{'config'}
76 1 4 unless -f $args{'config'}
79 0 4 unless $config->languageCode
94 0 2 unless ref $config and $config->isa('MARC::Detrans::Config')
125 0 24 unless ref $record and $record->isa('MARC::Record')
130 1 23 if ($self->scriptAlreadyPresent($record))
137 0 23 unless ($f008)
142 0 23 if ($lang ne $config->languageCode)
149 19 4 if $self->add880s($record)
177 3 36 if (isParallelTitle($field))
184 3 33 if ($isTranslation and $tag =~ /(1|7)\d\d/)
191 15 18 if (isNameField($tag))
193 0 15 if ($nameData)
205 35 4 if ($config->needsDetrans('field', $tag, 'subfield', $code)) { }
4 0 elsif ($config->needsCopy('field', $tag, 'subfield', $code)) { }
207 1 34 unless (defined $new)
221 32 0 if (@newSubfields)
232 19 4 if ($edited)
243 23 1 unless $f066
245 1 0 if grep {$_ eq $$subfield[1];} $config->allEscapeCodes
257 36 3 if $field->tag ne 246
258 2 1 if $field->indicator(2) =~ /1|5/
259 1 0 if ($field->subfields)[0]->[0] eq 'i'
266 21 2 unless $f041
267 0 2 unless $f041->subfield('h')
279 31 1 if defined $scriptCode
280 31 1 if defined $orientation
319 0 36 if $_ eq '(B'
323 1 18 if @subfields == 0
327 0 18 if ($f066) { }