Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 30 50 60.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
385 0 0 reset_charsets() and return

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
160 0 0 0 defined $i and $i
254 2 18 338 $codepoint >= 33 and $codepoint <= 126
3 0 17 $codepoint >= 161 and $codepoint <= 254
2 0 1 $codepoint >= 136 and $codepoint <= 142
0 0 2 $codepoint >= 27 and $codepoint <= 31
414 5 1 87 $code->default_charset_group eq 'G0' and $G0 ne $charset_value
1 3 2 $code->default_charset_group eq 'G1' and $G1 ne $charset_value
417 1 10 76 $G0 eq 's' and $charset_value eq 'B'
527 0 0 0 $esc_chars eq '$,' and $left + 3 < $right
0 0 0 $esc_chars eq '$)' || $esc_chars eq '$-' and $left + 3 < $right

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
512 1 3 52 $esc_char_1 eq 'g' or $esc_char_1 eq 'b'
4 3 49 $esc_char_1 eq 'g' or $esc_char_1 eq 'b' or $esc_char_1 eq 'p'
6 7 42 $esc_char_1 eq 'g' or $esc_char_1 eq 'b' or $esc_char_1 eq 'p' or $esc_char_1 eq 's'
527 33 0 9 $esc_char_1 eq '(' or $esc_char_1 eq ','
7 0 2 $esc_char_1 eq ')' or $esc_char_1 eq '-'
0 0 0 $esc_chars eq '$)' || $esc_chars eq '$-'