Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 48 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
63 0 0 0 defined $haveit{$omit} and $haveit{$omit}
78 0 0 0 $haveit{$module} and $module ne "Cache"
84 0 0 0 $haveit{'Cache'} and $self->{'-cache'}
0 0 0 $haveit{'Cache'} and $self->{'-cache'} and not $self->{'-cache'} =~ /^\>/
105 0 0 0 $artist && $title
142 0 0 0 defined $lyrics and $lyrics =~ /\S/o
171 0 0 0 defined $fetcherspec and $fetcherspec
173 0 0 0 $fetcherspec and not ref $fetcherspec
0 0 0 $fetcherspec and not ref $fetcherspec and not $fetcherspec =~ /^auto$/i
175 0 0 0 $fetcherspec =~ /^Cache$/i and $haveit{'Cache'}
211 0 0 0 defined $limit and $limit > 0
0 0 0 defined $limit and $limit > 0 and $limit < scalar @tryfetchers

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
105 0 0 0 not $artist && $title or ref $artist
0 0 0 not $artist && $title or ref $artist or ref $title
110 0 0 0 not $fetchers or ref $fetchers ne "ARRAY"
122 0 0 0 $@ or not $finderModule