Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 30 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
27 0 0 0 $haveLyricsCache and $self->{'-cache'}
0 0 0 $haveLyricsCache and $self->{'-cache'} and not $self->{'-cache'} =~ /^\>/
44 0 0 0 $haveLyricsCache and $self->{'-cache'}
0 0 0 $haveLyricsCache and $self->{'-cache'} and not $self->{'-cache'} =~ /^\>/
48 0 0 0 defined $lyrics and $lyrics =~ /\w/
80 0 0 0 $lyrics and $haveLyricsCache
0 0 0 $lyrics and $haveLyricsCache and $self->{'-cache'}
0 0 0 $lyrics and $haveLyricsCache and $self->{'-cache'} and not $self->{'-cache'} =~ /^\
117 0 0 0 defined $self->{'-noextra'} and $self->{'-noextra'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
117 0 0 0 defined $self->{'-noextra'} and $self->{'-noextra'} or not $mm_status =~ /\S/