Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 19 24 79.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
135 0 12 9 $^V ge v5.22.0 and $number =~ s/\A1\.\#//u
12 0 9 $^V ge v5.22.0 and $number =~ s/\A1\.\#//u and $number =~ s/(?:\(($binary|\"$octal\"|$hex|$int)\)|0*)\z//u
202 52 4 16 $flags & 4096 and not $flags & 8192
220 0 0 36 defined($_ <=> 0) && $_ != $infinity && $_ != -$infinity
339 55 4 15 $flags & 4096 and not $flags & 8192
358 55 4 15 $flags & 4096 and not $flags & 8192

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
146 44 1 2 length $number or length $frac
170 1 0 15 $_ == $infinity || $_ == -$infinity