Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 58 53.4

line true false branch
53 0 0 if ('Log::Report::Minimal'->can('error')) { }
63 7 8 if ($r =~ /^([a-z]*)\-([a-z]*)/i) { }
3 5 elsif ($reason_code{$r}) { }
2 3 elsif ($r eq 'USER') { }
1 2 elsif ($r eq 'PROGRAM') { }
1 1 elsif ($r eq 'SYSTEM') { }
1 0 elsif ($r eq 'ALL') { }
66 0 0 $begin ? :
0 7 unless $begin and $end
70 0 7 if $begin >= $end
107 0 0 unless $reason eq 'ASSERT' or $reason eq 'PANIC' or $mode == 2 and $reason_code{$reason} >= $reason_code{'WARNING'}
115 0 0 unless $reason eq 'PANIC' or $mode == 2 and $reason_code{$reason} >= $reason_code{'ALERT'}
129 0 0 unless $escape{$1}
135 0 0 unless $unescape{$1}
151 1 10 unless defined $locale and length $locale
154 0 10 unless ($locale =~ /^ ([a-z_]+) (?: \. ([\w-]+) )? # codeset (?: \@ (\S+) )? # modifier $/xi)
161 0 0 wantarray ? :
169 0 0 $primary eq 'x' && @subtags ? :
0 0 $primary eq 'i' && @subtags ? :
8 0 $primary =~ /^[a-z]{2,3}$/ ? :
1 8 $primary eq 'posix' ? :
1 9 $primary eq 'c' ? :
179 0 10 if @subtags > 1 and length $subtags[0] > 3
182 4 6 @subtags ? :
184 10 0 if wantarray
201 3 0 $d ? :
3 5 unless @_
204 1 4 if ($d)
206 1 0 if $d->[0] eq $domain