Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 15 29 51.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
58 0 17 0 @h == 1 && $h[0] eq 'ALL'
0 0 17 @h == 1 && $h[0] eq 'NONE'
77 6 0 0 $mode == 2 and $Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try::reason_code{$reason} >= $Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try::reason_code{'ALERT'}
3 0 3 $mode == 3 and $Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try::reason_code{$reason} >= $Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try::reason_code{'ERROR'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
29 0 17 delete $args->{'exceptions'} || []
31 0 17 $args->{'hide'} // 'NONE'
32 0 17 $args->{'on_die'} // 'ERROR'
80 13 1 $opts->{'location'} ||= ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
77 0 0 6 $reason eq 'PANIC' or $mode == 2 and $Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try::reason_code{$reason} >= $Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try::reason_code{'ALERT'}
0 3 3 $reason eq 'PANIC' or $mode == 2 and $Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try::reason_code{$reason} >= $Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try::reason_code{'ALERT'} or $mode == 3 and $Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try::reason_code{$reason} >= $Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try::reason_code{'ERROR'}
112 14 1 0 !$args{'class'} || $ex->inClass($args{'class'})