Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 40 47.5

line true false branch
70 2 77 if ($self->{'message_pattern'})
74 78 1 if ($self->{'message_layout'}) { }
80 2 77 if ($self->{'message_pattern'})
81 2 0 if ($message->{'message'})
87 0 79 if ($self->{'debug_trace'} or $Log::Handler::TRACE)
91 0 79 if ($self->{'skip_message'} and $message->{'message'} =~ /$self->{'skip_message'}/)
95 24 55 if ($self->{'filter_message'})
96 20 4 unless $self->_filter_msg($message)
99 0 59 if ($self->{'prepare_message'})
101 0 0 if ($@)
106 58 1 if ($self->{'newline'} and not $message->{'message'} =~ /(?:\015|\012)\z/)
120 0 59 unless $output->log($message)
130 0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::can($output, 'flush'))
131 0 0 unless $output->flush
159 0 0 if ($message->{'message'} =~ /.\z/)
173 0 0 unless defined $frame->{$key}
174 0 0 if ($self->{'debug_mode'} == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'debug_mode'} == 2) { }
191 16 8 if (not $filter->{'condition'}) { }
207 0 0 unless $self->{'die_on_errors'}