Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 75 86 87.2

line true false branch
15 0 23 if $caller eq 'main'
31 103 129 if (blessed $self) { }
32 16 87 @_ ? :
36 23 106 @_ ? :
44 12 12 if (@_ and $_[0])
47 16 16 if (substr($_, 0, 1) eq '!') { }
56 117 123 if (blessed $self) { }
57 12 105 @_ ? :
61 12 111 @_ ? :
69 61 65 if (blessed $self) { }
77 4 122 if (@_ and $_[0]) { }
4 118 elsif (@_ and not $_[0]) { }
78 4 0 if @_ == 1
80 0 4 unless my $fh = 'IO::File'->new(@_)
84 4 0 if $$logfile_ref
96 65 71 if (blessed $self) { }
104 8 128 if (@_ and $_[0]) { }
8 120 elsif (@_ and not $_[0]) { }
106 0 8 if $@
108 4 4 $_[0] =~ /%/ ? :
123 61 67 if (blessed $self) { }
131 30 98 unless (defined $$logcolor_ref)
133 0 30 $@ ? :
135 0 30 if $^O eq 'MSWin32'
137 0 128 unless $$logcolor_ref
139 120 8 if (@_ == 1 and $_[0]) { }
4 4 elsif (@_ and not $_[0]) { }
4 0 elsif (@_ % 2 == 0) { }
155 12 152 if (defined $logger and not $logger) { }
8 144 elsif ($logger and ($logger =~ /^[A-Za-z]/ and $logger->can('log'))) { }
164 44 100 if ($self->logfilter)
165 32 12 if (my(@neg) = @{$self->logfilter->{'neg'};})
166 16 16 if grep {$label eq $_;} @neg
168 24 4 if (my(@pos) = @{$self->logfilter->{'pos'};})
169 8 16 unless grep {$label eq $_;} @pos
174 4 128 ref $_ ? :
176 8 112 if (my $color = $self->logcolor($label))
178 0 8 if $@
181 8 112 if (my $func = $self->logtime)
185 6 114 if ($label eq 'fatal') { }
14 100 elsif ($label eq 'error' or $label eq 'warn') { }
192 0 14 if $self->logfile
196 4 96 if $self->logfile