Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 18 94.4

line true false branch
52 2 12 unless $socket->{'protocol'} =~ /^(?:tcp|udp)$/
57 2 12 unless exists $socket->{'host'} and length $socket->{'host'} > 0
63 1 12 unless $socket->{'port'} =~ /^\d+$/
72 1 2 unless (defined $p{'socket'} or defined $p{'send_sub'})
76 1 8 if (defined $p{'socket'} and $p{'chunked'} and $p{'socket'}{'protocol'} ne "udp")
90 8 2 if ($p{'socket'})
96 2 3 if $p{'compress'}
98 1 83 if ($p{'socket'}{'protocol'} ne "udp")
117 0 8 unless my $socket = "IO::Socket::INET"->new("PeerAddr", $socket_opts->{'host'}, "PeerPort", $socket_opts->{'port'}, "Proto", $socket_opts->{'protocol'})