Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 60 60 100.0

line true false branch
38 63 164 if (scalar @{$self->{'accum'};} == 0)
44 9 155 if ($self->{'mode'} eq 'blockquote') { }
32 123 elsif ($self->{'mode'} eq 'li') { }
68 126 37 if ($is_indented)
69 120 6 unless $_ =~ /^ {4,}/
73 3 120 if ($is_indented) { }
84 11 112 if ($kind eq 'p' and $text =~ /^<.*>$/s)
92 6 117 if (scalar keys %{$$self{'context'};} > 0)
108 8 68 if ($lines[$#lines] =~ /^\n$/)
113 26 398 if ($self->{'mode'} ne 'pre' and $line =~ /^([ \t]+)\S/)
116 16 10 if ($self->{'context'} and $self->{'context'}{'prefix'} ne '')
120 9 17 if ($spaces_len > 0 and $spaces_len <= 3)
128 37 387 if ($line =~ /^\n{2,}$/)
143 174 250 if ($line =~ /^\n+$/)
147 133 117 if (scalar @{$self->{'accum'};} > 0)
148 1 132 if ($line =~ /^=+$/)
154 1 131 if ($line =~ /^-+$/)
164 12 236 if ($line =~ /^(#+)\s+/)
166 1 11 if $level > 6
172 8 240 if ($line eq '')
176 17 231 if ($line =~ /^>/s)
180 7 241 if ($line =~ /^((\*\s*){3,}|(-\s*){3,}|(=\s*){3,})$/)
184 8 240 if ($line =~ /^(```|~~~)(.*)\s*$/)
193 4 244 if ($self->{'mode'} eq 'pre' and $line eq $self->{'context'}{'text'})
198 7 237 if ($self->{'mode'} eq 'blockquote' and $mode eq 'p')
202 17 227 if ($line =~ /^(\d+\.\s)/)
213 15 229 if ($mode ne 'hr' and $line =~ /^([\-\*]\s)/)
224 32 212 if ($mode eq 'p' and $self->{'mode'} =~ /(pre|li)/)
233 78 166 if ($mode ne $self->{'mode'})
239 240 4 if (defined $out_line)