Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 39 86 45.3

line true false branch
100 0 390 if ($md5)
105 0 0 if $@
110 126 1611 if $filename =~ /$_/
112 176 88 if (@only)
115 2 174 if $filename =~ /$_/
117 174 2 unless $found
121 21 69 if grep {$ext eq $_;} keys %e
131 0 21 if -l $file and not -e readlink $file
144 3 0 if ($output eq 'po') { }
0 0 elsif ($output eq 'perl') { }
0 0 elsif ($output eq 'json') { }
0 0 elsif ($output eq 'yaml') { }
148 1 56 defined $$_{'domain'} ? :
149 2 55 defined $$_{'msgctxt'} ? :
150 57 0 defined $$_{'msgid'} ? :
151 20 37 defined $$_{'msgid_plural'} ? :
152 29 28 unless defined $token{$key}
153 29 28 unless defined $files{$key}
158 29 0 unless $no_line_numbers
160 1 28 if defined $token{$k}{'domain'}
163 35 52 if defined $token{$k}{$_}
166 5 24 $token{$k}{'msgid_plural'} ? :
179 0 0 unless (eval { do { require JSON; 'JSON'->import; print encode_json(\@found) } })
188 0 0 unless (eval { do { require YAML; 'YAML'->import; print Dump(\@found) } })
196 0 0 if $line =~ /^\s*\#.*/
200 0 0 unless $params
203 0 0 if (scalar @params == $argc)
215 57 23 if $_ eq 1
216 20 60 if $_ eq 2
217 2 78 if $_ eq 3
218 1 79 if $_ eq 4
238 0 0 if $c =~ /\s/ and not $q_state
239 0 0 if ($q_state) { }
240 0 0 if ($c eq '\\') { }
0 0 elsif ($c eq q['] and $q_state == 1 or $c eq '"' and $q_state == 2) { }
242 0 0 if ($esc eq q['] or $esc eq '"' or $esc eq '\\') { }
254 0 0 if scalar @args == $argc
261 0 0 if ($c eq q['] or $c eq '"') { }
0 0 elsif ($c eq ',') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'js') { }
262 0 0 unless $comma_state
263 0 0 $c eq q['] ? :
266 0 0 if $comma_state