Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 66 69.7

line true false branch
182 1 5 unless (scalar @{$self->languages;})
184 1 0 if (opendir my $dh, $self->directory)
186 3 2 if (my($x) = $dir =~ /^(\w+)\.po$/u)
219 7 0 if $po->{'header'}{'plural-forms'} =~ /\bnplurals=(\d+);/u
224 13 0 unless (defined $plural[$pos])
236 4 3 if ($lang_plural_is_like_english)
238 4 400000 if $i == 1
239 0 400000 if (&$plural_sub($i) == 0)
253 1 0 unless @_ == $nplurals + 2
275 2 0 if ($_[$i] =~ /%d/u) { }
280 0 0 unless $i == 2 and $lang_plural_is_like_english
283 1 0 if ($found_percent_d)
284 0 1 if (@no_percent_d > 1) { }
0 1 elsif (@no_percent_d == 1) { }
301 2 27 if not defined $_ and $self->debug
302 16 13 defined $_ && $_ eq 'text' ? :
351 0 84 $2 ? :
0 84 $1 ? :
380 0 17 if ($+{'esc'}) { }
0 17 elsif ($+{'simplefunc'}) { }
385 1 16 $+{'func'} ? :
386 1 16 $+{'func'} && $+{'func'} eq 'plural' ? :
387 1 16 $+{'func'} ? :
396 49 193 if @stack
410 28 0 if ($l =~ /^\s*msgstr\s*"(.*)"/u)
413 84 21 if ($l =~ /^\s*"(.*)"/u) { }
429 8 0 unless ($lang =~ /\.po$/u)
436 1 7 unless open my $f, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $lang
439 28 39 if ($l =~ /^\s*msgid\s*"(.*)"/u)
443 0 28 if ($l =~ /^\s*"(.*)"/u) { }
447 7 21 if ($first) { }
21 0 elsif (length $line) { }
450 0 7 if $header_only