Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 42 54.7

line true false branch
17 2 0 $Config::Config{'d_symlink'} ? :
30 0 1 unless &Getopt::Long::GetOptions(\%opts, 'f|files-from:s@', 'D|directory:s@', 'u|use-gettext-style|unescaped', 'g|gnu-gettext', 'o|output:s@', 'd|default-domain:s', 'p|output-dir:s@', 'P|plugin:s@', 'W|wrap!', 'w|warnings!', 'v|verbose+', 'h|help')
40 0 1 if $opts{'h'}
44 0 1 unless $opts{'o'}
46 0 1 unless $opts{'f'}
47 0 1 unless open FILE, $file
50 2 0 if -r $_ and not -d $_
54 1 0 unless $opts{'D'}
57 0 0 if (-d $_)
64 0 0 unless -f $_ || -s $_ and -T $_
66 0 0 if /\.pot?$|\.bak$|~|,D|,B$/i or /^[\.#]/
76 0 1 unless @ARGV
82 1 0 unless $opts{'p'}
85 0 1 if -r $po and -s _
86 0 1 unless $Ext->compile($opts{'u'})
103 10 2 if (my $plugin_args = $$opts{'P'}) { }
111 1 9 unless $plugin
114 8 1 if ($args)
116 2 12 if ($arg eq '*')
121 1 11 unless defined $extension
130 0 8 exists $$opts{'w'} ? :