Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 38 89.4

line true false branch
43 0 53 unless $parser->parse($data)
68 53 3286 if (my $CAT_no = $$state{'ACTIONS'}{'CAT'})
76 1 2 if (strip_quotes($first) and strip_quotes($second)) { }
140 0 44 unless @$ident
141 18 26 if (scalar @$ident <= 2 and not $$ident[1]) { }
153 26 7 if ($first) { }
1 11 elsif (not strip_quotes($name) and $name =~ /\D/) { }
155 22 4 $args && @$args ? :
169 17 9 if ($first_literal and $$ident[0] eq q['l'] || $$ident[0] eq q['loc']) { }
2 7 elsif ($$ident[0] eq q['c'] and $$ident[2] eq q['l'] || $$ident[2] eq q['loc']) { }
183 19 7 if ($got_i18n)
207 0 13 unless @$items
208 12 1 if scalar @$items == 1
217 1 53 if @$hash
235 0 2 unless $name eq q['l'] or $name eq q['loc'] or $name eq q['c.l'] or $name eq q['c.loc']
241 29 2 if (strip_quotes($block))
251 26 3 $start == $end ? :
270 19 62 unless $args and @$args
274 57 22 if (strip_quotes($_))