Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 18 27 66.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
175 12 0 1 -f $_ and -r $_
261 0 0 25 defined $CACHE{$mo_file}{'mtime'} && defined $CACHE{$mo_file}{'size'}
271 1 0 24 $mtime == $CACHE{$mo_file}{'mtime'} && $size == $CACHE{$mo_file}{'size'}
307 102 0 92 exists $self->{'KEY_ENCODING'} and not &Encode::is_utf8($key)
311 88 16 7 scalar keys %{$$self{'Lexicon'};} == 0 and exists $self->{'KEY_ENCODING'}
16 0 7 scalar keys %{$$self{'Lexicon'};} == 0 and exists $self->{'KEY_ENCODING'} and not &Encode::is_utf8($key)
342 3 0 49 -f $mo_file and -r $mo_file

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
81 0 155 0 ref $_[0] || $_[0]
133 69 1 1 defined $LOCALEDIR or exists do { $$self{'LOCALEDIRS'} }->{$DOMAIN}