Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 62 80 77.5

line true false branch
76 0 1 exists $LOCALEDIRS{$domain} ? :
1 56 unless defined $LOCALEDIR
83 2 54 if defined $DOMAIN and $domain eq $DOMAIN
94 1 67 unless defined $new_domain
126 2 100 unless defined $LH
131 102 0 if exists $PARAMS{'KEY_ENCODING'} and not &Encode::is_utf8($key)
135 91 11 if (exists $PARAMS{'ENCODING'}) { }
9 2 elsif (scalar keys %{$$LH{'Lexicon'};} == 0 and exists $PARAMS{'KEY_ENCODING'} and not &Encode::is_utf8($key)) { }
152 3 2 unless wantarray
206 12 4 if (@_ > 0)
207 10 2 if (defined $_) { }
216 14 2 exists $PARAMS{'ENCODING'} ? :
225 2 0 if (@_ > 0)
226 2 0 if (defined $_) { }
234 2 0 exists $PARAMS{'KEY_ENCODING'} ? :
243 2 0 if @_ > 0
254 0 0 if (@_ > 0)
255 0 0 $_ ? :
287 0 123 unless defined $domain
291 117 6 if (exists $LOCALEDIRS{$domain}) { }
300 20 1 if @langs == 0
305 5 1 unless exists $LOCALEDIRS{$domain}
313 99 19 if exists $LANGS{$k} and $LANGS{$k} eq $langs
319 4 15 if (exists $CLASSES{$k})
345 16 122 unless opendir $DH, $dir
348 244 731 if $entry =~ /^\./
350 0 731 unless -d catdir($dir, $entry)
352 5 726 if $entry =~ /\./
356 323 0 unless -f $MO_file or -r $MO_file
358 71 332 if $entry eq 'C'
362 122 0 unless close $DH
373 18 124 unless defined $DOMAIN and exists $LOCALEDIRS{$DOMAIN}
377 0 124 unless exists $CLASSES{$k}
384 16 108 unless defined $LH
390 83 25 if (exists $LHS{$subclass})
392 83 0 unless (exists $PARAMS{'USERSET_ENCODING'})
393 83 0 if (exists $Locale::Maketext::Gettext::Functions::LH->{'MO_ENCODING'}) { }
406 25 0 unless (exists $PARAMS{'USERSET_ENCODING'})
407 24 1 if (exists $Locale::Maketext::Gettext::Functions::LH->{'MO_ENCODING'}) { }
425 2 32 unless (defined $_EMPTY)