Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 27 44 61.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
95 6 1 0 $style == 4 && $cur->[$utf_sym]
5 1 0 $style == 16 && $cur->[$htm_sym]
3 2 0 $style == 8 && $cur->[$com_sym]
119 1 3 1 $type != 2 and $type != 1
243 0 0 2 $style && grep({$style == $_;} 4, 16, 8)
1 2 0 $tmpl and not $style && grep({$style == $_;} 4, 16, 8)
264 1 1 0 $1 and $5
349 1 0 6 $trailing_zeroes and $precision > length $decimal
364 0 1 6 defined $decimal && length $decimal

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
85 7 0 $cur->[$frac_len] || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
264 0 0 2 not $tmpl =~ / \A ([^#]*) # 1 - preceding symbol (may contain space) \# # followed by a # ([^#]+) # 2 - thousand separator \#{3} # followed by 3 #'s (?: # ([^#]+) # 3 - decimal separator (\#+) # 4 - fractional )* # ([^#]*) # 5 - trailing symbol (may contain space) \Z /msx or $1 and $5
286 1 0 1 $1 or $5
288 2 0 0 $3 || $EMPTY
290 1 0 1 $1 || $5
291 1 0 1 $1 || $3