Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 36 83.3

line true false branch
10 4 7 if (is_glob_ref(\$_[0]))
15 3 8 if (is_array_ref($ref)) { }
3 5 elsif (is_hash_ref($ref)) { }
3 2 elsif (is_scalar_ref($ref)) { }
0 2 elsif (is_ref_ref($ref)) { }
2 0 elsif (is_code_ref($ref)) { }
50 1 2 if (is_glob_ref(\$_[0]))
79 0 9 unless open F, $file
90 2 24 if ($flag == 0 and $whether_colnames)
94 1 1 if ($whether_rownames)
109 8 16 if ($whether_rownames)
118 6 3 wantarray ? :
136 0 7 if ($rownames and $nrow != len($rownames))
139 0 7 if ($colnames and $ncol != len($colnames))
143 0 7 unless open OUT, ">$file"
144 3 4 if ($rownames) { }
145 1 2 if ($colnames)
158 1 3 if ($colnames)