Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 39 48 81.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
209 0 3 944 $caller_expecting_special_behaviour{join $;, $package, $file} && $in_scope
242 199 11 4 $incr == 0 and $from != $to
257 1992 1231 0 $exto and $from >= $to || $from eq $to
1185 1875 117 not $exto and $from > $to
267 135 113 0 $exto and $from <= $to || $from eq $to
94 122 13 not $exto and $from < $to

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
238 30 184 $count ||= 1
295 20 15 $1 or 'all'
20 15 $2 || 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
190 0 0 2 ref $regex ne 'Regexp' or ref $sub ne 'CODE'
206 0 0 947 $] < 5.01 || $scope_ref && $$scope_ref{'List::Maker::is_active'}
242 4 4 206 $incr == 0 and $from != $to or $delta * $incr < 0
251 5 1 5 $exto || $exfrom
257 45 1 1185 $from >= $to || $from eq $to
46 0 3177 $exto and $from >= $to || $from eq $to or not $exto and $from > $to
267 16 3 94 $from <= $to || $from eq $to
19 0 229 $exto and $from <= $to || $from eq $to or not $exto and $from < $to