Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 84 0.0

line true false branch
36 0 0 if (open my $FH, '<', '/proc/self/status')
40 0 0 if ($proc =~ /(s_context|VxID):\s+(\d+)/)
42 0 0 if ($cid)
61 0 0 if (open my $FH, '<', '/proc/self/status')
65 0 0 if ($proc =~ /(s_context|VxID):\s+(\d+)/)
67 0 0 if ($cid and $cid == 0)
82 0 0 if (-f $ctx_file and open my $FH, '<', $ctx_file)
84 0 0 if ($line =~ /^Machine:\s*(\S+)\s*$/)
106 0 0 if (opendir my $DH, $basedir)
111 0 0 unless -d $entry
114 0 0 if $entry =~ /\.\.?/
116 0 0 if (-f $ctx_file)
120 0 0 if ($ctx eq $ctx_test)
137 0 0 unless (open $VSS, '-|', '/usr/sbin/vserver-stat')
143 0 0 if $line =~ /^CTX\s+PROC\s+VSZ/
176 0 0 if (-l $vdir)
186 0 0 if ($$vserver_ref{$name}{$prop} =~ /g$/i)
196 0 0 if ($$vserver_ref{$name}{$prop} =~ /^(\d+)d0?(\d+)h0?(\d+)$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($$vserver_ref{$name}{$prop} =~ /^(\d+)h0?(\d+)m0?(\d+)$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($$vserver_ref{$name}{$prop} =~ /^(\d+)m0?(\d+)s0?(\d+)$/i) { }
214 0 0 if (-e $init_file)
215 0 0 if (open my $FH, '<', $init_file)
219 0 0 if ($mark eq 'default')
228 0 0 if (-e $uts_nodename_file)
229 0 0 if (open my $FH, '<', $uts_nodename_file)
243 0 0 if (-e $caps_file)
244 0 0 if (open my $FH, '<', $caps_file)
256 0 0 if (-e $limits_file)
257 0 0 if (open my $FH, '<', $limits_file)
262 0 0 if $line =~ /^Limit\s+/i
273 0 0 if $min == -1 and $max == -1
289 0 0 if (-d $if_dir)
290 0 0 if (opendir my $DH, $if_dir)
292 0 0 if $dir_entry =~ /\.\.?/
298 0 0 if (-f $ip_file)
301 0 0 if (-f $dev_file)
304 0 0 if (-f $prefix_file)
307 0 0 if ($ip and $dev and $prefix)
342 0 0 if ($$vs_ref{$vsname}) { }
358 0 0 unless ($self->is_running($vsname))
376 0 0 unless $self->is_running($vsname)
381 0 0 if ($self->is_running($vsname)) { }