Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 60 28.3

line true false branch
33 0 1 defined $opt{'terminal'} ? :
68 0 1 $data{'terminalize'} ? :
74 0 1 if ($data{'case_insensitive_cats'}) { }
89 0 0 unless opendir my $dir_h, $dir
99 0 0 if (substr($file, -8) eq '.desktop')
100 0 0 if ($is_local or not exists $table{$file})
107 0 0 wantarray ? :
117 0 2 if (defined $self->{'skip_filename_re'})
118 0 0 if substr($desktop_file, rindex($desktop_file, '/') + 1) =~ /$self->{'skip_filename_re'}/u
122 0 2 unless sysopen my $desktop_fh, $desktop_file, 0
126 2 0 if ((my $index = index($file, "]\n", index($file, '[Desktop Entry]') + 15)) != -1)
134 0 2 if (exists $info{'NoDisplay'})
135 0 0 if exists $TRUE_VALUES{$info{'NoDisplay'}}
139 0 2 if (exists $info{'Hidden'})
140 0 0 if exists $TRUE_VALUES{$info{'Hidden'}}
150 0 2 if (defined $self->{'skip_entry'} and ref $self->{'skip_entry'} eq 'ARRAY')
152 0 0 if (exists $info{$pair_ref->{'key'}} and $info{$pair_ref->{'key'}} =~ /$pair_ref->{'re'}/u)
159 0 2 if (defined $self->{'substitutions'} and ref $self->{'substitutions'} eq 'ARRAY')
161 0 0 if (exists $info{$pair_ref->{'key'}})
162 0 0 if ($pair_ref->{'global'}) { }
180 0 2 $self->{'case_insensitive_cats'} ? :
189 0 2 unless (@cats)
190 0 0 if ($self->{'keep_unknown_categories'}) { }
202 2 0 if index($info{'Exec'}, ' %') != -1
205 0 0 if ($self->{'terminalize'} and defined $info{'Terminal'} and exists $TRUE_VALUES{$info{'Terminal'}})
212 2 0 if (exists $info{'Icon'})
216 0 2 if (substr($icon, 0, 1) eq '/')
217 0 0 if (-f $icon) { }
226 2 0 unless ($abs)
241 0 1 unless my(%info) = $self->parse_desktop_file($desktop_file)