Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 11 180 6.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
1420 0 0 0 $$info{'mood'} eq 'definite' and $$info{'tense'} eq 'present' || $$info{'tense'} eq 'past'
1646 0 0 0 $verb ne "\304\223xl\303\273rt\303\273" and $verb ne "ogon\303\256"
0 0 0 $verb ne "\304\223xl\303\273rt\303\273" and $verb ne "ogon\303\256" and $verb ne "om\303\256"
0 0 0 $verb ne "\304\223xl\303\273rt\303\273" and $verb ne "ogon\303\256" and $verb ne "om\303\256" and $verb ne "on\303\256"
1704 0 0 0 /$altere(?:eto)$/o and not /(?:$vcirc|$consonant)(?:$altere)(?:eto)$/o
1722 0 0 0 /$altere(?:elo)$/o and not /(?:$vcirc|$consonant)(?:$altere)(?:elo)$/o
1749 0 0 0 $$agent[0] =~ /([syc])(?:as)$/ and exists $rootchange{$1}{$verb}
1755 0 0 0 $$agent[1] =~ /$altere(?:ei)$/o and not $$agent[1] =~ /(?:$vcirc|$consonant)(?:$altere)(?:ei)$/o
1773 0 0 0 /([syc])(?:\305\253zo)$/ and exists $rootchange{$1}{$verb}
1871 2 0 0 $type eq 'masc' and $stem =~ s/re$//
2 0 0 $type eq 'masc' and $stem =~ s/([nld])?e$/$1/
2 0 0 $type eq 'masc' and $stem =~ s/\304\223$//
2 0 0 exists $aetas{$noun} and $stem =~ s/as$//
2 0 0 exists $aetas{$noun} and $stem =~ s/\304\201s$//
0 0 0 $type eq 'fem' and $stem =~ s/e$//
0 0 0 $type eq 'fem' and $stem =~ s/\303\252$//
0 0 0 $type eq 'fem' and $stem =~ s/\304\223$//
1936 12 0 0 /$alteri(?:i(?:\304\223|i|[nt]u|co)?)$/o and not /(?:$vlong|$vcirc|$consonant)(?:$alteri)(?:i(?:\304\223|i|[nt]u|co)?)$/o
1940 12 0 0 /$altere(?:ex)$/o and not /(?:$vlong|$vcirc|$consonant)(?:$altere)(?:ex)$/o
1971 12 0 0 /$alteri(?:\304\253(?:[nt]a|co)?)$/o and not /(?:$vlong|$vcirc|$consonant)(?:$alteri)(?:\304\253(?:[nt]a|co)?)$/o
1975 12 0 0 /$altere(?:ex)$/o and not /(?:$vlong|$vcirc|$consonant)(?:$altere)(?:ex)$/o
1988 0 0 0 /($altered)(?:u\304\223|\305\253(?:[nt]a|co)?)$/o and exists $rootchange{$1}{$noun}
1998 6 0 0 /$altere(?:e\304\223|\304\223(?:[nl]u|di)?)$/o and not /(?:$vlong|$vcirc|$consonant)(?:$altere)(?:e\304\223|\304\223(?:[nl]u|di)?)$/o
2011 0 0 0 /($altered)(?:a\304\223|\304\201(?:[nl]u|di)?)$/o and exists $rootchange{$1}{$noun}
2036 0 0 0 $type eq 'masc' and $stem =~ s/e$//
0 0 0 exists $aetas{$noun} and $stem =~ s/as$//
0 0 0 $type eq 'fem' and $stem =~ s/e$//
2075 0 0 0 /$alteri(?:i-)$/o and not /(?:$vcirc|$consonant)(?:$alteri)(?:i-)$/o
2079 0 0 0 /$altere(?:e-)$/o and not /(?:$vcirc|$consonant)(?:$altere)(?:e-)$/o
2085 0 0 0 /([syc])[aou]-$/ and exists $rootchange{$1}{$noun}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
1420 0 0 0 $$info{'tense'} eq 'present' || $$info{'tense'} eq 'past'
1548 0 0 0 $verb eq "ogon\303\256" or $verb eq "om\303\256"
0 0 0 $verb eq "ogon\303\256" or $verb eq "om\303\256" or $verb eq "on\303\256"
1614 0 0 0 $verb eq "ogon\303\256" or $verb eq "om\303\256"
0 0 0 $verb eq "ogon\303\256" or $verb eq "om\303\256" or $verb eq "on\303\256"
0 0 0 $verb eq "ogon\303\256" or $verb eq "om\303\256" or $verb eq "on\303\256" or $verb eq "\304\223xl\303\273rt\303\273"
1628 0 0 0 $verb eq "xu\303\252si" or $verb eq "baxu\303\252si"
1660 0 0 0 s/^ogon\303\256$/obagon\303\256/ or s/^om\303\256$/obam\303\256/
0 0 0 s/^ogon\303\256$/obagon\303\256/ or s/^om\303\256$/obam\303\256/ or s/^on\303\256$/oban\303\256/
1667 0 0 0 $verb eq "xu\303\252si" or $verb eq "baxu\303\252si"
1691 0 0 0 $verb eq "ogon\303\256" or $verb eq "om\303\256"
0 0 0 $verb eq "ogon\303\256" or $verb eq "om\303\256" or $verb eq "on\303\256"
0 0 0 $verb eq "ogon\303\256" or $verb eq "om\303\256" or $verb eq "on\303\256" or $verb eq "\304\223xl\303\273rt\303\273"
1702 0 0 0 s/^b/amb/ or s/^e/\304\223/
0 0 0 s/^b/amb/ or s/^e/\304\223/ or s/^\303\252/\304\223/
1714 0 0 0 $verb eq "\304\223xl\303\273rt\303\273" or $verb eq 'esc'
1727 0 0 0 $verb eq "xu\303\252si" or $verb eq "baxu\303\252si"
1731 0 0 0 $verb eq "ogon\303\256" or $verb eq "om\303\256"
0 0 0 $verb eq "ogon\303\256" or $verb eq "om\303\256" or $verb eq "on\303\256"
0 0 0 $verb eq "ogon\303\256" or $verb eq "om\303\256" or $verb eq "on\303\256" or $verb eq "\304\223xl\303\273rt\303\273"
1742 0 0 0 s/^b/amb/ or s/^e/\304\223/
0 0 0 s/^b/amb/ or s/^e/\304\223/ or s/^\303\252/\304\223/
1761 0 0 0 $verb eq "ogon\303\256" or $verb eq "om\303\256"
0 0 0 $verb eq "ogon\303\256" or $verb eq "om\303\256" or $verb eq "on\303\256"
1771 0 0 0 s/^b/amb/ or s/^e/\304\223/
0 0 0 s/^b/amb/ or s/^e/\304\223/ or s/^\303\252/\304\223/
0 0 0 s/^b/amb/ or s/^e/\304\223/ or s/^\303\252/\304\223/ or s/^\304\223/\304\223/
1865 0 0 9 exists $masc{$noun} or exists $aetas{$noun}
2036 0 0 0 $stem =~ s/a$// or $stem =~ s/\303\242$//
0 0 0 $stem =~ s/a$// or $stem =~ s/\303\242$// or $stem =~ s/\304\201$//