Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 62 82 75.6

line true false branch
32 2 0 if not defined &Lingua::TR::Numbers::DEBUG
66 0 1 unless defined $x and length $x
69 0 1 unless $x
72 1 0 if ($x =~ s/(\w+)\z//msx) { }
78 0 2 unless $l
79 1 1 if ($l =~ /$RE_VOWEL/)
90 0 1 unless ($ok)
107 2 76 unless defined $x and length $x
109 0 76 if $x eq 'NaN'
110 0 76 if $x =~ / \A \+ inf(?:inity)? \z /imsx
111 0 76 if $x =~ / \A \- inf(?:inity)? \z /imsx
112 0 76 if $x =~ / \A inf(?:inity)? \z /imsx
113 21 55 if exists $D{$x}
116 3 52 if defined $e
123 11 41 if ($x =~ s/\A([-+])//msx)
128 38 14 if ($x =~ / \A \d+ \z/msx) { }
7 7 elsif ($x =~ / \A (\d+)[.](\d+) \z/msx) { }
3 4 elsif ($x =~ / \A [.](\d+) \z/msx) { }
141 66 37 if defined $_
150 4 0 $x eq '+' ? :
7 4 $x eq '-' ? :
37 11 !(defined $x && length $x) ? :
159 38 10 unless defined $x and length $x
169 0 65 unless defined $x and length $x and $x =~ /\A\d+\z/msx
170 18 47 if defined $D{$x}
172 31 16 if ($x =~ /\A(.)(.)\z/msx) { }
9 7 elsif ($x =~ /\A(.)(..)\z/msx) { }
178 6 3 $1 == 1 ? :
180 1 8 if $rest eq '00'
190 0 7 unless defined $x and length $x and $x =~ /\A\d+\z/msx
197 12 4 if $num
200 0 7 unless @chunks
205 4 3 if $chunks[-1][1] == 0 and $chunks[-1][0] < 100
212 0 7 if $and and @chunks > 1
213 5 2 if @chunks == 2
220 0 7 unless @{$chunks;}
223 12 0 if $c->[0]
232 5 7 unless $multnum
234 7 0 if $MULT{$multnum}
248 3 52 if ($x =~ / \A ( [-+]? # leading sign (?: [\d,]+ | [\d,]*\.\d+ # number ) ) [eE] (-?\d+) # mantissa, has to be an integer \z /msx) { }
262 0 0 unless print @args