Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 24 36 66.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
254 31 28 23 @nums and $i < $nums[0]
294 0 33 0 defined $self->{'thousands_separator'} and length $self->{'thousands_separator'}
339 33 107 0 @words and do { $factor = exists $WORDS{$words[0]} ? 1 : ($words[0] =~ s/zeci\z// ? 10 : 0); if ($factor) { $amount = shift @words; } ; $factor } || @words && exists $BIGWORDS{$words[0]} && do { $factor = $BIGWORDS{shift @words} } || do { shift @words; next }
385 12 74 2 @words and $words[0] eq 'de'
397 33 69 5 @words and $words[0] eq $dec_point
415 0 5 2 @decs and $decs[0] == 0
432 0 0 38 $number > 19 and $number < 100
469 719 0 88 $number >= $BIGNUMS[$j - 1]{'num'} and $number <= $BIGNUMS[$j]{'num'}
481 60 0 28 $cat >= 100 and $cat < 1000
483 0 2 26 @of and $rest != 0
2 18 8 @of and $rest != 0 and exists $DIGITS{$rest}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
339 0 0 0 do { $factor = exists $WORDS{$words[0]} ? 1 : ($words[0] =~ s/zeci\z// ? 10 : 0); if ($factor) { $amount = shift @words; } ; $factor } || @words && exists $BIGWORDS{$words[0]} && do { $factor = $BIGWORDS{shift @words} } || do { shift @words; next }