Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 2 102 1.9

line true false branch
99 1 6 if ($conf{'abbrev'} and -f $conf{'abbrev'}) { }
126 0 0 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH')
136 0 0 if ($$conf{'keep_quotes'}) { }
148 0 0 if ($$conf{'keep_quotes'}) { }
250 0 0 if (ref $text eq 'HASH')
255 0 0 unless defined $text
260 0 0 if (wantarray) { }
263 0 0 unless $$conf{'rs'} eq "\n"
272 0 0 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH')
279 0 0 if $opt{'enc'}
280 0 0 if $opt{'outenc'}
283 0 0 if (/<(\w+)(.*?)>/l)
285 0 0 if ($b =~ /=/l) { }
334 0 0 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH')
354 0 0 if (@r and $r[-1] =~ /^\s*$/ls)
468 0 0 if ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
472 0 0 unless @files
475 0 0 unless (ref $opts{'output'})
476 0 0 unless open OUT, ">$opts{'output'}"
482 0 0 if (ref $file) { }
485 0 0 unless open $fh, $file
504 0 0 unless (ref $file)
511 0 0 if (not ref $opts{'output'})
522 0 0 if ($$opts{'tokenize'}) { }
523 0 0 if ($$opts{'tokenize'} eq 'cqp') { }
540 0 0 if ($$opts{'o_format'} eq 'XML' and $$opts{'t_tag'})
542 0 0 if ($$opts{'t_num'} eq 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($$opts{'t_num'} eq 'f') { }
557 0 0 if $$opts{'o_format'} eq 'NATools'
563 0 0 if ($$opts{'o_format'} eq 'XML' and $$opts{'t_tag'})
567 0 0 if $$opts{'o_format'} eq 'NATools'
573 0 0 if ($$opts{'o_format'} eq 'XML' and $$opts{'p_tag'})
575 0 0 if ($$opts{'p_num'} == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($$opts{'p_num'} == 1) { }
588 0 0 if $$opts{'o_format'} eq 'NATools'
594 0 0 if ($$opts{'o_format'} eq 'XML' and $$opts{'p_tag'})
598 0 0 if $$opts{'o_format'} eq 'NATools'
605 0 0 if ($$opts{'o_format'} eq 'XML' and $$opts{'s_tag'})
607 0 0 if ($$opts{'s_num'} == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($$opts{'s_num'} == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($$opts{'s_num'} == 2) { }
623 0 0 if $$opts{'o_format'} eq 'NATools'
629 0 0 if ($$opts{'o_format'} eq 'XML' and $$opts{'s_tag'})
633 0 0 if $$opts{'o_format'} eq 'NATools'
658 0 0 if ($word =~ /[çáéíóúàèìòùãõâêîôûäëïöüñ]/il) { }
772 0 0 unless ($exp_com_barras =~ m[[a-z]+a/o$]l or $exp_com_barras =~ m[[a-z]+o/a$]l or $exp_com_barras =~ m[[a-z]+r/a$]l)
791 0 0 if (wantarray) { }
1168 0 0 if ($par =~ /[A-Za-záéíóúêãÁÉÍÓÚÀ0-9\),-][\»\"\'´>]*\s*\)*\s*$/l)
1183 0 0 if ($#sentences > 0 and not $fragmento)
1193 0 0 if ($frase =~ /[.?!:;][\»"'´]*\s*$/l or $frase =~ /[.?!] *\)[\»"'´]*$/l) { }
0 0 elsif ($fragmento and $num_frase_no_paragrafo == $#sentences) { }