Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 56 75.0

line true false branch
108 0 199 unless $PERL581
111 2 197 if $utf8
113 2 197 if $utf8
121 2 197 if not defined $c3 or defined $c4
123 0 197 if $ucs2 < 44032
124 0 197 if $ucs2 > 55203
135 187 0 $#$_ > 0 ? :
140 0 76 unless $PERL581
143 2 74 if $flag
145 2 74 if ($flag)
147 6 0 if defined $$pair[0]
148 6 0 if defined $$pair[1]
163 193 0 if (defined $1) { }
166 193 0 if defined $roman
174 0 117 if scalar @{$$array[$i];} < 2
175 0 117 if scalar @{$$array[$i + 1];} < 2
178 104 13 unless $next =~ /^[aeouiwy]/
180 0 117 if ($this =~ /(tt|pp|jj)$/ and $novowel) { }
11 106 elsif ($this =~ /([^n]g|kk)$/ and $novowel) { }
2 104 elsif ($this =~ /(d|j|ch|s?s)$/ and $novowel) { }
4 100 elsif ($this =~ /(b)$/ and $novowel) { }
10 179 elsif ($this =~ /(r)$/ and $novowel) { }
198 76 0 if (scalar @$array)
201 0 76 if ($this =~ /(tt|pp|jj)$/) { }
4 72 elsif ($this =~ /([^n]g|kk)$/) { }
2 70 elsif ($this =~ /(d|j|ch|s?s)$/) { }
3 67 elsif ($this =~ /(b)$/) { }
7 60 elsif ($this =~ /(r)$/) { }