Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 58 62 93.5

line true false branch
74 2 207 unless ($number =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/)
79 1 206 if ($number > 1e+75)
84 2 204 if $number == 0
87 6 198 if abs $number != $number
92 9 195 if ($number != int $number)
101 5 4 if ($decimal =~ s/^(0+([1-9][0-9]*))$/$2/) { }
103 0 5 unless $decimal_power
107 3 2 if $decimal > 1
135 184 256 if $blocks[$_] == 0
149 86 170 if ($hundred)
153 58 28 unless $hundred == 1
160 3 10 if $hundred > 1 and not $teens and not $units and $_ == $#blocks
170 73 127 if $units and not $teens and not $number == 1 && $power == 1000
177 18 238 if ($teens == 8) { }
50 188 elsif ($teens == 7 or $teens == 9) { }
79 109 elsif ($teens) { }
180 13 5 $units ? :
186 4 46 if ($teens == 7 and $units == 11) { }
201 44 35 if ($teens == 1) { }
5 30 elsif ($units == 1 or $units == 11) { }
3 27 elsif ($units == 0) { }
217 220 36 if $fr_decimal
220 122 134 if ($power >= 1000)
223 108 14 if (exists $Lingua::FR::Numbers::NUMBER_NAMES{$power}) { }
227 39 69 if $number > 1 and $power >= 1000000
245 0 14 unless (exists $Lingua::FR::Numbers::NUMBER_NAMES{$pow_diff})
249 10 4 if $number > 1
268 3 22 unless ($number > 0)
272 1 21 if $number == 1
277 5 13 if ($last_digit != 1 and exists $Lingua::FR::Numbers::ORDINALS{$last_digit})
298 0 0 if ($_[0])