Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 31 33 93.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
159 28 45 13 $hundred > 1 and not $teens
73 6 7 $hundred > 1 and not $teens and not $units
51 4 3 $hundred > 1 and not $teens and not $units and $_ == $#blocks
169 56 111 89 $units and not $teens
50 23 16 $number == 1 && $power == 1000
167 16 73 $units and not $teens and not $number == 1 && $power == 1000
185 34 12 4 $teens == 7 and $units == 11
226 26 43 39 $number > 1 and $power >= 1000000
276 3 18 0 $last_digit != 1 and exists $Lingua::FR::Numbers::ORDINALS{$last_digit}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
176 16 34 188 $teens == 7 or $teens == 9
200 5 0 30 $units == 1 or $units == 11