Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 29 42 69.0

line true false branch
34 0 1 unless defined $text
54 0 2 if ref $text
60 29 898 if ($length <= 0)
65 67 831 if ($s =~ /^\s*$/u)
70 831 0 if (defined $1)
71 831 0 if (defined $2)
81 0 1 if ref $text
112 37 1986 if ($s =~ /^$pat(?!$)/gu)
116 37 0 if $first != $second
122 177 2 if $first != $second
124 37 1986 if ($s =~ /(?
128 37 0 if $first != $second
131 47 1976 if @$split_points
143 457 0 unless $start == $p->[0]
153 0 1 if ref $text
169 0 1 unless open my $prefix, '<', $prefixfile
171 14 93 if /^#/u or /^\s*$/u
174 3 90 if ($item =~ /(.*)[\s]+(\#NUMERIC_ONLY\#)/u) { }
182 0 1 if ref $text
197 22 386 if ($s =~ /^(\S+)\.\s?$/u)
199 0 0 unless ($pre =~ /\./u and $pre =~ /\p{IsAlpha}/u or $nonbpref->{$pre} and $nonbpref->{$pre} == 1 or $t =~ /^[\p{IsLower}]/u or $nonbpref->{$pre} and $nonbpref->{$pre} == 2 and $t =~ /^\d+/u)