Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 30 63.3

line true false branch
75 47 94 if (&blessed($other_arg) and $other_arg->isa('Lingua::EN::Inflexion::Term')) { }
148 478 478 if ($count == 1) { }
197 0 0 if defined $max_trans and $value >= $max_trans
204 0 0 if ($value > 100)
225 0 0 if defined $max_trans and $value >= $max_trans
232 0 0 if ($value > 100)
345 0 537 $inflexion eq '_' ? :
355 1 3669 $inflexion eq '_' ? :
366 48 976 if ($inflexion eq '_')
371 48 976 if ($inflexion eq '_')
388 48 975 if ($inflexion eq '_')
405 48 1034 if ($inflexion eq '_')
417 0 0 $count == 1 ? :
482 6 12 if ($term =~ / \A (.*) 's? \Z /imsx) { }
500 6 16 if ($term =~ / \A (.*) 's? \Z /imsx) { }