Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 144 285 50.5

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1063 7604 8 $word =~ /^(?:$PL_sb_prep_dual_compound)$/i and $value = [$2, $3]

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
75 1774 6 5 @_ == 1 and not $_[0] =~ /$classical_mode/
84 6 0 2657 @_ and not $_[0] =~ /$classical_mode/
925 0 2838 874 not $result and $word1 eq $word2
926 874 1694 1144 not $result and $word1 eq &$PL($word2)
927 2018 550 1144 not $result and &$PL($word1) eq $word2
929 3162 365 185 not $result and $word1 eq &$PL($word2)
930 3347 180 185 not $result and &$PL($word1) eq $word2
935 3412 120 0 not $result and _PL_check_plurals_N($word1, $word2)
937 3412 120 0 not $result and _PL_check_plurals_N($word2, $word1)
942 60 0 0 not $result and _PL_check_plurals_ADJ($word1, $word2, $PL)
997 0 0 0 $word2a and _PL_check_plurals_N($word1a, $word2a) || _PL_check_plurals_N($word2a, $word1a)
999 0 0 0 $word2b and _PL_check_plurals_N($word1a, $word2b) || _PL_check_plurals_N($word2b, $word1a)
1004 0 0 0 $word2a and _PL_check_plurals_N($word1b, $word2a) || _PL_check_plurals_N($word2a, $word1b)
1006 0 0 0 $word2b and _PL_check_plurals_N($word1b, $word2b) || _PL_check_plurals_N($word2b, $word1b)
1021 365 8534 0 not defined $count and defined $persistent_count
1041 8156 8 726 $word =~ /^($PL_sb_uninflected)$/i and not exists $PL_sb_irregular{$word}
8164 32 694 $word =~ /^($PL_sb_uninflected)$/i and not exists $PL_sb_irregular{$word} and not $word =~ /^($PL_sb_lese_lesen)$/i
1044 2386 5768 42 $classical{'herd'} and $word =~ /^($PL_sb_uninflected_herd)$/i
1058 7612 0 60 $word =~ /^(?:$PL_sb_postfix_adj)$/i and $value = $2
1069 7452 0 152 $word =~ /^(?:$PL_sb_prep_compound)$/i and $value = $2
1142 3695 0 58 $word =~ /^([A-Z].*s)$/ and $classical{'names'}
1158 3221 4 17 $word =~ /([A-Z].*y)$/ and $classical{'names'}
1177 130 3822 0 not defined $count and defined $persistent_count
1234 0 1726 0 not defined $count and defined $persistent_count
1261 132 1872 0 not defined $count and defined $persistent_count
1345 0 0 0 not defined $count and defined $persistent_count
1348 0 0 0 defined $count and not $count =~ /^($PL_count_one)$/io
1410 124 0 0 not defined $count and defined $persistent_count
1421 66 28 27 defined $opt_ref->{'words_below'} && $count < $opt_ref->{'words_below'}
1625 328 743 3883 $_[0] && $_[1]
1678 1259 0 56 @_ % 2 and require Carp
1687 798 231 230 exists $arg{'threshold'} and $num > $arg{'threshold'}
1724 192 26 857 not $group and $first
1740 976 1 52 $ord and @numchunks

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1617 3077 11778 $_[0] || 0
1627 11 1076 $_[2] or 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
100 0 0 0 not defined $_[1] or $_[1]
124 0 0 0 s/\bPL \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_N \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_N($1, $3);/egx
0 0 0 s/\bPL \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_N \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_N($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_V \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_V($1, $3);/egx
0 0 0 s/\bPL \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_N \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_N($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_V \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_V($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_ADJ \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_ADJ($1, $3);/egx
0 0 0 s/\bPL \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_N \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_N($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_V \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_V($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_ADJ \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_ADJ($1, $3);/egx or s/\bAN? \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /A($1, $3);/egx
0 0 0 s/\bPL \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_N \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_N($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_V \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_V($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_ADJ \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_ADJ($1, $3);/egx or s/\bAN? \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /A($1, $3);/egx or s/\bNO \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /NO($1, $3);/egx
0 0 0 s/\bPL \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_N \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_N($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_V \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_V($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_ADJ \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_ADJ($1, $3);/egx or s/\bAN? \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /A($1, $3);/egx or s/\bNO \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /NO($1, $3);/egx or s/\bORD \( ([^)]*) \) /&ORD($1);/egx
0 0 0 s/\bPL \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_N \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_N($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_V \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_V($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_ADJ \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_ADJ($1, $3);/egx or s/\bAN? \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /A($1, $3);/egx or s/\bNO \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /NO($1, $3);/egx or s/\bORD \( ([^)]*) \) /&ORD($1);/egx or s/\bNUMWORDS \( ([^)]*) \) /NUMWORDS($1);/egx
0 0 0 s/\bPL \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_N \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_N($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_V \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_V($1, $3);/egx or s/\bPL_ADJ \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /PL_ADJ($1, $3);/egx or s/\bAN? \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /A($1, $3);/egx or s/\bNO \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) /NO($1, $3);/egx or s/\bORD \( ([^)]*) \) /&ORD($1);/egx or s/\bNUMWORDS \( ([^)]*) \) /NUMWORDS($1);/egx or s/\bPART_PRES \( ([^)]*) \) /PART_PRES($1);/egx
775 0 0 6 not eval "'' =~ m/$_[0]/; 1;" or $@
787 0 0 6 not eval "qq{$_[1]}; 1;" or $@
876 200 1698 0 _PL_special_adjective($word, $count) || _PL_special_verb($word, $count) || _PL_noun($word, $count)
898 376 1726 0 _PL_special_verb($word, $count) || _PL_general_verb($word, $count)
909 96 10 0 _PL_special_adjective($word, $count) || $word
914 3412 60 60 _PL_eq(@_, \&Lingua::EN::Inflect::PL_N) or _PL_eq(@_, \&Lingua::EN::Inflect::PL_V)
933 0 3532 180 $PL == \&Lingua::EN::Inflect::PL or $PL == \&Lingua::EN::Inflect::PL_N
940 0 60 3652 $PL == \&Lingua::EN::Inflect::PL or $PL == \&Lingua::EN::Inflect::PL_ADJ
960 0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata')
0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_is_ides, 'is', 'ides')
0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_is_ides, 'is', 'ides')
0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ae, 's', 'e')
0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ae, 's', 'e') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_en_ina, 'ens', 'ina')
0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ae, 's', 'e') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_en_ina, 'ens', 'ina') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_um_a, 'ums', 'a')
0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ae, 's', 'e') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_en_ina, 'ens', 'ina') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_um_a, 'ums', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_us_i, 'uses', 'i')
0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ae, 's', 'e') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_en_ina, 'ens', 'ina') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_um_a, 'ums', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_us_i, 'uses', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_on_a, 'ons', 'a')
0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ae, 's', 'e') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_en_ina, 'ens', 'ina') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_um_a, 'ums', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_us_i, 'uses', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_on_a, 'ons', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_o_i, 'os', 'i')
0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ae, 's', 'e') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_en_ina, 'ens', 'ina') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_um_a, 'ums', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_us_i, 'uses', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_on_a, 'ons', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_o_i, 'os', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_ex_ices, 'exes', 'ices')
0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ae, 's', 'e') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_en_ina, 'ens', 'ina') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_um_a, 'ums', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_us_i, 'uses', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_on_a, 'ons', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_o_i, 'os', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_ex_ices, 'exes', 'ices') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_ix_ices, 'ixes', 'ices')
0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ae, 's', 'e') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_en_ina, 'ens', 'ina') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_um_a, 'ums', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_us_i, 'uses', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_on_a, 'ons', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_o_i, 'os', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_ex_ices, 'exes', 'ices') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_ix_ices, 'ixes', 'ices') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_i, 's', 'i')
0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ae, 's', 'e') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_en_ina, 'ens', 'ina') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_um_a, 'ums', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_us_i, 'uses', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_on_a, 'ons', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_o_i, 'os', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_ex_ices, 'exes', 'ices') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_ix_ices, 'ixes', 'ices') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_i, 's', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_im, 's', 'im')
0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ae, 's', 'e') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_en_ina, 'ens', 'ina') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_um_a, 'ums', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_us_i, 'uses', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_on_a, 'ons', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_o_i, 'os', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_ex_ices, 'exes', 'ices') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_ix_ices, 'ixes', 'ices') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_i, 's', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_im, 's', 'im') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, '.*eau', 's', 'x')
0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ae, 's', 'e') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_en_ina, 'ens', 'ina') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_um_a, 'ums', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_us_i, 'uses', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_on_a, 'ons', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_o_i, 'os', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_ex_ices, 'exes', 'ices') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_ix_ices, 'ixes', 'ices') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_i, 's', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_im, 's', 'im') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, '.*eau', 's', 'x') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, '.*ieu', 's', 'x')
0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ae, 's', 'e') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_en_ina, 'ens', 'ina') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_um_a, 'ums', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_us_i, 'uses', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_on_a, 'ons', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_o_i, 'os', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_ex_ices, 'exes', 'ices') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_ix_ices, 'ixes', 'ices') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_i, 's', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_im, 's', 'im') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, '.*eau', 's', 'x') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, '.*ieu', 's', 'x') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, '.*tri', 'xes', 'ces')
0 0 240 _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ata, 'as', 'ata') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_U_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_is_ides, 'is', 'ides') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_a_ae, 's', 'e') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_en_ina, 'ens', 'ina') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_um_a, 'ums', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_us_i, 'uses', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_on_a, 'ons', 'a') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_o_i, 'os', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_ex_ices, 'exes', 'ices') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_ix_ices, 'ixes', 'ices') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_i, 's', 'i') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, $PL_sb_C_im, 's', 'im') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, '.*eau', 's', 'x') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, '.*ieu', 's', 'x') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, '.*tri', 'xes', 'ces') or _PL_reg_plurals($pair, '.{2,}[yia]n', 'xes', 'ges')
997 0 0 0 _PL_check_plurals_N($word1a, $word2a) || _PL_check_plurals_N($word2a, $word1a)
999 0 0 0 _PL_check_plurals_N($word1a, $word2b) || _PL_check_plurals_N($word2b, $word1a)
1004 0 0 0 _PL_check_plurals_N($word1b, $word2a) || _PL_check_plurals_N($word2a, $word1b)
1006 0 0 0 _PL_check_plurals_N($word1b, $word2b) || _PL_check_plurals_N($word2b, $word1b)
1026 0 6 8893 defined $count && $count =~ /^($PL_count_one)$/io || defined $count && $classical{'zero'} && $count =~ /^($PL_count_zero)$/io
1051 482 0 0 $PL_sb_irregular{$1} || $PL_sb_irregular{lc $1}
1053 0 0 0 $PL_sb_irregular{$2} || $PL_sb_irregular{lc $2}
1180 0 0 3952 defined $count && $count =~ /^($PL_count_one)$/io || defined $count && $classical{'zero'} && $count =~ /^($PL_count_zero)$/io
1237 0 0 1726 defined $count && $count =~ /^($PL_count_one)$/io || defined $count && $classical{'zero'} && $count =~ /^($PL_count_zero)$/io
1264 4 1 1999 defined $count && $count =~ /^($PL_count_one)$/io || defined $count && $classical{'zero'} && $count =~ /^($PL_count_zero)$/io
1424 48 8 65 defined $opt_ref->{'comma'} or defined $opt_ref->{'comma_every'}
1427 8 8 40 not defined $opt_ref->{'comma'} or $opt_ref->{'comma'} =~ /^\d+$/
1451 0 0 6 s/ie$/y/ or s/ue$/u/
0 0 6 s/ie$/y/ or s/ue$/u/ or s/([auy])e$/$1/
0 1 5 s/ie$/y/ or s/ue$/u/ or s/([auy])e$/$1/ or s/ski$/ski/
1 0 5 s/ie$/y/ or s/ue$/u/ or s/([auy])e$/$1/ or s/ski$/ski/ or s/[^b]i$//
1 0 5 s/ie$/y/ or s/ue$/u/ or s/([auy])e$/$1/ or s/ski$/ski/ or s/[^b]i$// or s/^(are|were)$/be/
0 0 5 s/ie$/y/ or s/ue$/u/ or s/([auy])e$/$1/ or s/ski$/ski/ or s/[^b]i$// or s/^(are|were)$/be/ or s/^(had)$/hav/
0 0 5 s/ie$/y/ or s/ue$/u/ or s/([auy])e$/$1/ or s/ski$/ski/ or s/[^b]i$// or s/^(are|were)$/be/ or s/^(had)$/hav/ or s/(hoe)$/$1/
0 1 4 s/ie$/y/ or s/ue$/u/ or s/([auy])e$/$1/ or s/ski$/ski/ or s/[^b]i$// or s/^(are|were)$/be/ or s/^(had)$/hav/ or s/(hoe)$/$1/ or s/([^e])e$/$1/
1 0 4 s/ie$/y/ or s/ue$/u/ or s/([auy])e$/$1/ or s/ski$/ski/ or s/[^b]i$// or s/^(are|were)$/be/ or s/^(had)$/hav/ or s/(hoe)$/$1/ or s/([^e])e$/$1/ or /er$/
1500 44 39 0 $nth{$tail % 100} || $nth{$tail % 10}
1632 2482 307 15 $_[1] || $_[2]
1634 306 6 12 $_[1] or $_[2]
1719 192 857 26 $group || $first