Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 58 80 72.5

line true false branch
73 2 6 if (lc $thing eq '+locale')
74 0 6 if (lc $thing eq '-locale')
109 4 80 if $lang eq 'LOCALE'
110 0 84 if ($lang eq 'LOCALE' || $USE_LOCALE and not exists $LMAP{$lang})
122 8 0 if $locale or $USE_LOCALE
123 8 0 unless $lang
145 12 12 $type && !$class->can('parse') ? :
156 80 0 unless ($INC{$inc})
162 0 80 unless (eval { do { require $file; $class->import; 1 } })
178 0 0 if ($e =~ / Perl \s+ (.+?) \s+ required --this \s+ is \s+ only \s+ (.+?), \s+ stopped /imsx)
189 34 12 unless -d $path
191 0 12 unless opendir $DIRH, $path
193 44 76 if $dir =~ / \A [.] /msx or $NOT_LANG{$dir}
194 0 76 unless ($dir) = $dir =~ /([a-z0-9_]+)/imsx
196 0 76 unless @rs
213 300 80 if not -e $file or -d _
220 0 0 _is_silent() ? :
225 0 0 @args > 2 ? :
239 4 0 if (not $numbers and $ords || $words)
252 4 0 if $words and not $c->can('num2tr')
253 4 0 if $ords and not $c->can('num2ord')
254 0 4 unless $c->can('VERSION')
270 76 4 unless defined $lang{$id}
275 4 72 if ($id eq 'PT')
283 52 20 if $class =~ /::Numbers\z/msx
285 52 20 $numbers ? :
316 4 8 $n ? :
12 0 $s{"num2${l}_cardinal"} ? :
12 12 $s{'parse'} ? :
4 24 $s{'cardinal'} && $n ? :
4 28 $s{'cardinal2alpha'} ? :
0 32 $s{'num2word'} ? :
4 32 $s{'nums2words'} ? :
16 36 $s{"number_to_$l"} ? :
24 52 $s{"num2$l"} ? :
332 0 24 $n ? :
24 36 $s{"num2${l}_ordinal"} ? :
4 60 $s{'ordinal'} && $n ? :
4 64 $s{'ordinal2alpha'} ? :
8 68 $s{"ordinate_to_$l"} ? :