Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 23 159 14.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
136 0 0 0 $$FH{'source'} && $$FH{'target'}
0 0 0 $$alSet{'format'} ne 'GIZA' and not $$FH{'source'} && $$FH{'target'}
230 1 0 0 $$answerAlSet{'format'} eq 'NAACL' and $alignMode eq 'as-is'
1 0 0 $$answerAlSet{'format'} eq 'NAACL' and $alignMode eq 'as-is' and $$answerAlSet{'firstSentPair'} == 1
278 0 1 0 $$submissionAlSet{'format'} eq 'NAACL' and $alignMode eq 'as-is'
1 0 0 $$submissionAlSet{'format'} eq 'NAACL' and $alignMode eq 'as-is' and $$submissionAlSet{'firstSentPair'} == 1
450 0 0 1 $sureRecall != 0 and $surePrecision != 0
468 0 0 1 $possibleRecall != 0 and $possiblePrecision != 0
494 0 0 0 $$alSet{'location'}{$side} and $$newLocation{$side}
580 0 0 0 not $al->isAnchor($j, 'source') and $j < @{$$al{'sourceAl'};}
590 0 0 0 $newAnchorSource - $lastAnchorSource != 1 and not $sourcePerturbed{$lastAnchorSource + 1}
0 0 0 $newAnchorTarget - $lastAnchorTarget != 1 and not $targetPerturbed{$lastAnchorTarget + 1}
662 0 0 0 $newFormat eq 'NAACL' and not $selectSubgroups
909 0 0 0 $cnt2 > 0 and $cnt2 % 100000 == 0
0 0 0 $cnt2 > 0 and $cnt2 % 1000 == 0
1135 0 0 0 $oldFiles{$newFile} and $key ne 'sampleNum'
1193 0 0 0 -e $path and -d _
1601 0 0 0 scalar @components == 4 and $components[3] =~ /^[\d\.]+$/ || $components[3] eq 'S'
0 0 0 scalar @components == 5 and $components[3] eq 'S' || $components[4] eq 'S'
1607 149 0 0 scalar @components == 4 and $components[3] eq 'P'
149 0 0 scalar @components == 5 and $components[3] eq 'P' || $components[4] eq 'P'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
162 0 0 0 $$alSet{'format'} eq 'NAACL' or $$alSet{'format'} eq 'BLINKER'
0 0 0 $$alSet{'format'} eq 'NAACL' or $$alSet{'format'} eq 'BLINKER' or $$alSet{'format'} eq 'TALP'
234 0 0 0 $answerFH->getline =~ /^0*$inputSentPairNum .*/o or $answerFH->eof
248 0 0 0 $answerFH->eof or ($line = $answerFH->getline) =~ /^0*$inputSentPairNum .*/o
283 0 0 0 $submissionFH->getline =~ /^0*$inputSentPairNum .*/o or $submissionFH->eof
297 0 0 0 $submissionFH->eof or ($line = $submissionFH->getline) =~ /^0*$inputSentPairNum .*/o
422 54 0 5 defined $sureAnswer{$alignment} or defined $possibleAnswer{$alignment}
868 0 0 0 $numcs < $sMin or $numcs > $sMax
0 0 0 $numcs < $sMin or $numcs > $sMax or $numct < $tMin
0 0 0 $numcs < $sMin or $numcs > $sMax or $numct < $tMin or $numct > $tMax
886 0 0 0 $sLcs == 0 or $tLcs == 0
1081 0 0 2 $numLimits == 0 or $numLimits > 2
1088 0 0 2 not $limits[0] =~ /\d+/ or $limits[0] == 0
1093 1 0 1 not $limits[1] =~ /\d+/ or $limits[1] == 0
1158 1 0 1 $format eq 'NAACL' or $format eq 'TALP'
1250 0 0 0 $FH{'sourceToTarget'}->getline =~ /^0*$$alSet{'firstSentPair'} .*/ or $FH{'sourceToTarget'}->eof
1259 0 0 0 $FH{'targetToSource'}->getline =~ /^0*$$alSet{'firstSentPair'} .*/ or $FH{'targetToSource'}->eof
1287 1 0 1 $format eq 'NAACL' or $format eq 'TALP'
1325 0 0 22 not defined $alignMode or $alignMode =~ /^as.?is$/i
1338 0 0 0 $$alFH{'sourceToTarget'}->eof || $sentPairNum > $$alSet{'lastSentPair'}
1362 0 0 0 $$alFH{'sourceToTarget'}->eof || $sentPairNum > $$alSet{'lastSentPair'}
1383 1 0 10 $$alFH{'sourceToTarget'}->eof || $sentPairNum > $$alSet{'lastSentPair'}
1431 0 0 0 !(-e $$alSet{'location'}{'sourceToTarget'} . '/samp' . $$alSet{'location'}{'sampleNum'} . '.SentPair' . ($sentPairNum - 1)) || $sentPairNum > $$alSet{'lastSentPair'}
1470 0 0 0 $$alSet{'firstSentPair'} != 1 or $$alSet{'format'} ne $newFormat
1480 0 0 0 $$alSet{'firstSentPair'} != 1 or $$alSet{'format'} ne $newFormat
1556 0 0 0 @{$$clusters[$c]{'source'};} > 1 or @{$$clusters[$c]{'target'};} > 1
1601 0 0 0 $components[3] =~ /^[\d\.]+$/ || $components[3] eq 'S'
149 0 0 scalar @components == 3 or scalar @components == 4 and $components[3] =~ /^[\d\.]+$/ || $components[3] eq 'S'
0 0 0 $components[3] eq 'S' || $components[4] eq 'S'
0 0 0 scalar @components == 3 or scalar @components == 4 and $components[3] =~ /^[\d\.]+$/ || $components[3] eq 'S' or scalar @components == 5 and $components[3] eq 'S' || $components[4] eq 'S'
1607 0 0 0 $components[3] eq 'P' || $components[4] eq 'P'
0 0 149 scalar @components == 4 and $components[3] eq 'P' or scalar @components == 5 and $components[3] eq 'P' || $components[4] eq 'P'